Guided Yoni Massage

Take your relationship to the next level with a guided yoni massage session.

There is no doubt that yoni massage is a powerful healing tool, and the missing link in our healing journey.

Imagine if we could translate this into the bedroom, where you and your partner can explore new heights of intimacy and orgasmic bliss together?

My new guided yoni massage sessions are designed to educate and demonstrate the pleasure strokes involved to increase blood flow and arousal to the yoni that you can practice together under my guidance.

All consensual touch will be performed by the partner learning these techniques to preserve the intimacy and sacredness of your union.

What is Yoni Massage?

Yoni is the Sanskrit word meaning sacred cave (vagina).

Yoni massage is an ancient and sacred practice that initiated and educated women into their power, pleasure and purpose in the Priestess Temples. It is my hope and intention to bring this powerful, transformative and life changing modality back into this time and space, with a view to making it 'normal' practise for any woman who feels called.

What to Expect

  • A typical session will involve talk therapy between myself and you (the couple).

  • Full instructions on how to perform a full body massage on the back and front of the receiver’s body

  • External and internal yoni massage, with the client’s full-bodied consent.

  • Allow 3hrs for a standard session

  • Plus FREE 30 min follow up call within 4 weeks of your yoni massage session.

  • It may assist in releasing physical and emotional trauma, as well as mapping out the client’s pleasure anatomy and initiating her back into her sensual and erotic power.

  • Reigniting the chemistry and passion between couples.

What Others Say (about yoni massage).

Painful and exquisite, sensual and nurturing, emotional and deeply healing.
These are the words I would use to best describe the journey I went on under the loving guidance of
Laura. But words aren’t enough. You absolutely have to experience the magick yourself to
Laura recently welcomed me to her space and performed the sacred yoni massage ritual for me. It
was an experience that was completely life-affirming and poignant for me.
Prior to seeing Laura, I had spent the previous two years challenging myself to face a lifetime of pain,
trauma and dissociation between myself and my sexuality and all that makes me a woman. I had
taken apart every piece of myself and stitched it back together with the intent of owning myself
again and moving on from all that was into all that would be.
I felt ready when I entered the sacred space. I had prepared my physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual self to receive this. I came ready to let go and release all that had ever held me back.
Laura made me feel safe, loved and nurtured from the moment I entered her presence. I was
completely at ease. She explained what would take place and I was invited to commence.
Throughout the ritual, Laura held space for me to process all that I experienced. And I experienced A
LOT! At times loving and compassionate, at others primal and earthy, with a LOT of magijk thrown
into the mix. Laura instinctively knew when to push me to experience a release and when I needed
to slow down and recover. Lover, mother, sister and friend. She easily transitioned between roles as
she intuited what I needed from her.
I am in awe of what Laura helped me achieve. I felt connected to myself in a way I have never been
before. I felt raw, beautiful, unconditional love for myself and was finally able to let go of that which
had defined me. I felt reborn.
The experience was more than I could have ever imagined and exactly what it needed to be. I
couldn’t recommend Laura highly enough to guide you through this beautiful, healing ritual.
— Kristen Thackray - Thornlie WA
I have been trying to find the words to describe such a powerful, potent and yet so fucking simple and loving experience. Words are so limiting sometimes!
Laura’s ability to hold space is more than epic! She is all of the cosmos holding space for all of the stars that you are!
She held me in such a space of beauty and majesty! It was so deeply transformational.
I had a strong intention for this yoni massage to be a space in which to shift my bodies cellular memory of trauma and pain to one of deep pleasure! How better to do that than with a yoni massage!
It allowed my body to realign itself with the deep pleasure that it knew itself to be and of life to be.
Laura caressed my body with pure unconditional love. She supported my bodies remembering of this, as a way of being.
My Yoni massage was more than and no less than expansive pleasure! More than sexual and also deeply sexual.
I had some very deep and painful releases, which doesn’t sound pleasurable, but true pleasure is about the all, the wholeness of all of life and all of our being!
I was able to deeply relax into the gentle, loving pleasure communicated through Laura’s whole being.
I remembered that Yoni massage was something we knew as normal! Sacred and normal, simple and profound worship of our sacredness and our humanness!
Since my yoni massage my body has shifted and healed in profound ways! I feel such an increased flow of vitality and vibrancy! My body has for the first time in 4 years is experiencing a remembering of strength rather than depletion!
I was able to release at my more expansive and deep levels while being held and witnessed by Laura and that was such a gift to me as its been very rare to experience that in my life.
Thankyou Laura for all that you are and thankyou for such a powerful offering!
It’s time to remember, reconnect and know ourselves as magnificent, to know ourselves as pleasure itself!
And so it is!
— Michelle E - Perth WA
Laura held perfect space for me as I encountered one of the most vulnerable experiences of
my life. We shifted so much and I felt totally safe to experience whatever came up in my Yoni
massage. This is such a powerful healing tool and a trusted practitioner is A MUST to really
sink into the depths of its magic. Laura provided a nurturing, gentle and authentic massage
that guided me through layers of myself safely and wholesomely. I don’t know if words will
ever do it justice. This massage changed my life.
— Melissa T - Perth WA
My yoni massage experience with Laura is one that I will always treasure. Like many women,
deeply surrendering and trusting someone with the most vulnerable parts of me has never
come easy. To be completely open requires we feel safe and held, and that is exactly how
Laura made me feel. Being able to share and explore that level of intimacy and healing with
her, knowing I was safe to let my body lead me in any direction was a powerful healing
moment for me, where I felt so much shame fall away in the presence of a truly embodied
experience I could never deny nor forget. My yoni massage experience gave me an insight
into the stories my body holds, that I will never intellectually understand or know about. Past
life trauma, ancestral wounds - it all made it's way to the surface and with Laura's guidance I
knew exactly how to use my body to release what was no longer needed. I walked away from
the massage feeling unstoppable - light, clear and as though any body or sexual
disconnection had been transmuted into life-force energy that I now got to play with joyfully. I
know that every experience will be different, for both the individual and between us all as
women, and so if there was one thing I would like each woman to know as she explores the
possibility of a yoni massage with Laura, it's this: Come with the intention to be open. Let your
body show you the full range of your existence and rest deeply into the nurturing, intuitive,
authentic arms of Laura as she blows your mind and helps you to liberate your body.
— Tara C - Perth WA

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