
Yoni Steaming Herbs and Thrones by Laura Elizabeth

First of all…what actually is Yoni Steaming?

Yoni Steaming is an ancient practice whereby dried herbs are boiled and brought down to a steam for a woman to squat over for a short time to stimulate blood flow to areas of the vulva, regulate cycles and other benefits.

It is a simple ritual that can be done at home. My intention is to spread awareness of this technique and create a nourishing and honouring ritual with your body and her cycles.

Want to go deeper?



Stimulates blood flow and sensation to the Yoni (vulva and vagina).

May relieve symptoms of painful menstruation, bloating and exhaustion during cycle.

Regulates menstrual cycles.

Assists with hormone balancing (including menopause).

Improved sleep and mental wellbeing.

Helps to detoxify the womb and removes toxins from the body.

May increase fertility.

May reduce reproductive conditions such as fibroids, cysts and endometriosis and so much more.

Deepens your connection to your womb and yoni space.



Remove all genital piercings before steaming (if applicable).

Do not steam if you are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant.

Do not steam if you have a yeast infection or other active infection.

Consult medical advice before steaming if you have an IUD.

Stop steaming if you feel burning pain or light headedness.

These yoni steaming herbs are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or condition.

If you have a health concern or condition, consult your health expert.

Always consult a medical doctor before using this product.



  1. Fill a saucepan with 1 litre of water and add ½ to 1 cup of herbs to the water.

  2. Gently boil together for approximately 15 mins. Allow the steam to cool down for 5 mins before placing in your bowl.

  3. Place a large round heat proof bowl underneath your steaming throne or on a flat surface to squat over and carefully pour the herbs and water into the bowl.

  4. Have your favourite robe or blanket to wrap yourself in and remove your underwear before sitting over or squatting over your bowl.

    Open your legs to allow the steam to rise over your entire vulva and perineum.

  5. The temperature should feel warm but not burning.

  6. Steam for 15-25 mins (start with 15 minutes and slowly work your way to 25 mins after a few months of steaming)

  7. Drink plenty of water before, during and 48hrs after your steam to assist with any toxins being released.

Kuntea Products

Kuntea - Yoni Steaming Herbs

. INGREDIENTS: Calendula, Chamomile, Cinnamon Chips, Fennel Seed, Lavender, Liquorice Root, Motherwort, Rose Buds, Yarrow (ingredients are organic or wildcrafted subject to availability).

Book a 1:1 Guided Yoni Steam

My First Yoni Steam Experience.

For many of you the concept of Yoni Steaming is brand new and there is limited research out there to really understand what this medicine can do for you.

I experienced my first yoni steam in 2016. I remember it well.
I had recently weaned my 2.5 yr old, I had separated from my ex husband and my cycles were irregular and painful. "Steam that pussy!" My dear friend Vinny suggested. She had just created her own pouches of steaming herbs and was keen to spread the exciting benefits of this ancient practice.

She was a barefoot, queer, witchy goddess who lit up at the mention of herbs and moaned seductively at the mention of pussies and our deep, mysterious magick.

Vinny in many ways mirrored my own passion, only I was sitting somewhere in the fear of being seen, and she proudly and openly spoke of her wisdom.

We would spend hours talking magic and fantasized about the platform we would create together to show women how powerful they are, and teach them how to understand their body's.
She offered me a pouch of steaming herbs in exchange for one of my own creations; spellbound salve.

I sat nervously one evening after preparing my steam herbs. Candles were lit and music played as I gently lowered over the bowl opening my legs to allow the steam to warm my vulva and perenium. It felt tingly, but comfortable. It was a new, but pleasurable experience as the heat caused my lips to swell. Within 15 minutes, I experienced a full spectrum of emotions. I welcomed the release and allowed tears to gently flow.
Vinny shared that I may not feel much different until after my next bleed, but in that first session, there was a definite shifting of energy and I felt lighter.
Sure enough, my next bleed arrived within 28 days, and reset my cycle into a regular rhythm.
It was intense!
My lower back ached like early labour, my hands felt clammy and my vision was blurry.
I reached out to Vinny, she assured me that the first bleed is the worst, that they will get better. This is the purge of all the old blood and toxins that have been held in the body, not to mention all of the emotions, inspiration and 'loss' that happens with each cycle.
This is potent medicine.
That bleed I passed some very large black clots. Old blood that had been sitting festering in my womb for months, or perhaps years!
I steamed regularly after this and honestly, the benefits have been incredible.
4 years later, I have a regular gentle cycle that comes with ease. My bleeds last up to 4 or 5 days and there is little pain.
There is a change in my cycle each time I connect with a woman in womb and yoni massage sessions too, so it is extra important for me to maintain and nurture my body.
This medicine is potent
The physical, emotional and energetic shifts are life changing.
My dear friend Vinny passed tragically almost 3 years ago. We never got to create that platform to speak together.
So now...in her honour, I have created my version of steaming herbs and I commit to bring the ancient wisdom of yoni steaming, womb massage and yoni massage to be seen, experienced and celebrated by all women...for all women.
I will always have our beautiful friendship to thank for that.