Keeping Your Little Ones Safe & Well

As a mother of three, I understand the importance of having the tools and education to keep our little people relaxed, healthy and happy, and give them the best possible start for their journey in this world. To lead by example, and serve as the best guide, but sometimes a little outside help and guidance can be useful too!

Offering a safe and gentle environment, I offer baby reflexology sessions and education workshops for parents. For those aged 4+ there are mindfulness and meditation workshops, as well as some gentle reiki/energy balancing. Scroll below to find out what is best suited for you and your child,.



Baby Reflexology

Reflexology is incredibly relaxing and enjoyable for babies and can be done in just 10 minutes. Reflexology can assist with certain common infant related conditions including:

Quality of sleep
Musculoskeletal issues

Baby Reflexology Workshop - fully downloadable version coming soon!

Learn how to settle your baby using gentle reflexology techniques in this interactive workshop for parents/carers of infants 0-24mths of age!

Plus FREE calming flower essence spray for every family valued at $18!

Explore reflexology techniques to soothe and treat the following conditions:

Quality of sleep
Musculoskeletal issues
And more!
Bookings essential. Places are strictly limited.


Children’s Energy Balancing

A gentle form of Reiki/Energy healing to help the spiritual, emotional and physical bodies integrate in harmony.

For children aged 4+ May assist with anxiety, sleep, behavioural issues and more.

Parents are welcome to sit in on the session.

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Kid’s Meditation Club - Ages 6-10

4 sessions over 8 weeks. Term 4, begins 24th October 2018.

Invest in your child’s mind this term, with Kid’s Meditation Club. Each session will be devoted to a theme i.e. Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Your child will participate in story, meditation and creativity based on the theme of the week.

Over this term, your child will learn the tools to speak in a group setting, attentive listening, mindfulness, meditation and relaxation, as well as some nature based fun and learning.

The 4 session will be run fortnightly over 8 weeks of term 4, to keep the magic and enthusiasm alive!